Analytics: Understand Consumer, Market, and World Trends

Transform large amounts of data into actionable business strategy insights as an analytics expert. Explore analytics-focused online short courses, boot camps, and degree programs delivered by top colleges and universities.

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Recommended for You

Short Course

Digital Marketing Analytics

Gain a deeper understanding of analytics-based tools and techniques as you develop insightful decision-making skills to drive businesses forward.

Completion Time 6 weeks
Hours Per Week 6-8 hours
Test Scores Not required

Short Course

LSE The London School of Economics and Political Science

Data Analysis for Management

Learn to use data for insights as you explore theory and practical skills you need to understand, interpret, and communicate data relevant to your role and organisation.

Completion Time 8 weeks
Hours Per Week 7-10 hours
Test Scores Not required

Short Course

MIT Management Executive Education

Management Analytics: Decision-Making Lessons From the Sports Industry

Learn how to use data for improved decision-making, goal-setting, communication, and more by examining case studies from the sports industry, which has led the way in performance analytics.

Completion Time 6 weeks
Hours Per Week 6-8 hours
Test Scores Not required

More Options


Short Course

Commercial Real Estate Analysis and Investment

Make informed commercial real estate investment decisions by studying micro and macroeconomic theories and frameworks and using practical financial analysis tools.

Completion Time
6 weeks
Hours Per Week
7-10 hours
Test Scores
Not required

LSE The London School of Economics and Political Science

Short Course

Public Policy Analysis

Develop practical, applicable skills for analysing, evaluating, and communicating public policy and learn to think critically about the policy process.

Completion Time
10 weeks
Hours Per Week
7-10 hours
Test Scores
Not required